Cold Hands, Warm Heart

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Nome, Alaska, United States
After getting burned out teaching high school in a tiny Alaskan town, I have moved on to being a child advocate in a small Alaskan town. The struggles are similar, but now I can buy milk at the store.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines Day - Shishmaref Style

Sometimes, I will admit, I resent sharing the common areas of the school with the elementary side. They're throwing balls on one side of the gym while we're trying to eat on the other. There are also times I'm sure they resent us. They lose recess every time we want to set up a carnival/prom/pep assembly/basketball tournament.

Sometimes, though, it's the best thing in the world.

Every year, as a fundraiser, the seniors make and sell cookies with valentines attached. You can write your own little message for the recipient, and they are passed out on Valentines Day, or in our case, the Friday before Valentines Day. I wanted to buy one for Bob, but decided that as part of Financial Freedom February, I would just make him one instead. Well, why make one when you can make 90? I made a dozen big ones for friends on the staff, and over 70 for my kids.

I forgot to take a picture of the big ones, but they really weren't that pretty. I'd been given two copies of the same huge cookie cutter, so I gave one to Daphne Weyiouanna, who loves to bake. She shortened and widened it a little, and it actually looks like a very nice heart now. It was rather tall and skinny before she fixed it, so everyone's cookies were also tall and skinny. Sorry everyone.

And yes, I was lazy and just took this picture from where I was sitting, which is why she's SO FAR AWAY!!!

For the students, because no one has enough flour to make big ones for everyone, I made smaller versions.  I didn't take a picture of my cake pan full of cookies, but I did manage to get one of Patrick, who was kind enough to pose for the picture, in exchange for the cookie. (His 4th of the day.)
Once again, I took the picture from where I was sitting, but I did make him come closer. It's amazing the things kids will do for some sugar.

Now, in case you're wondering why I started today's post with thoughts of the elementary side, here is the reason: When the little kids sit down the night before their Valentines Day parties, they often remember me when making their lists. And this year was no different. So, with no further ado, my Valentines:

The matching hearts came with my cookies, the big paper with the heart-flower came from Lisa and the rest of the Stenek's. The rest are from little girls from the land of tiny chairs. They come to the door, and sort of lurk until I notice them, then I lure them in and they give me my little card. I think they're afraid of the big boys.  Now is the time to go home, and drink half a gallon of water to try and equalize some of this sugar pumping through my system.

May everyone else's Valentines be as wonderful as mine.

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