Cold Hands, Warm Heart

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Nome, Alaska, United States
After getting burned out teaching high school in a tiny Alaskan town, I have moved on to being a child advocate in a small Alaskan town. The struggles are similar, but now I can buy milk at the store.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Stupid, Stupid Jokes

I walked into Ken's room today, and one of the girls was wearing a sticky-note, which forced Ken to ask, "Why are you wearing a note that says 'Kick me' ?" So she looked. Even though she knew the note was blank. So then we asked her if her note said gullible. She did figure that one out. And then the jokes started:

A man walked into a bar. Ouch.

A proton walked into a bar and asked for a beer. The bartender asked if he was sure. The proton replied: Positive.

A man asked an electron: why so negative?

There were others, I don't remember what they were. Sticky note girl just looked at me when I asked her to remember the other ones. Oh well. If I think of them, I'll add them later.

I think it's time for school to get out.

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