Well, ladies and gentlemen. The robots are starting to take over.
In their attempt to gain sentience, and take over the world, they have taken their first baby step. And this is it: My alarm clock has automatically reset itself for daylight savings. What someone has forgotten to inform my alarm clock about is the change in the day we switch the clocks.
This morning, I walked into my bedroom, and was SHOCKED at how late I was up. Until I realized it had already reset itself. Thanks alarm clock. Thanks.
Epbot Is Changing: It's Time To PIVOT
2 years ago
I HATE that mine automatically resets itself. Despite the fact I've had it for 5 years and it's ALWAYS reset itself, I don't trust it. So every night before daylight savings time ends/begins I put my watch next to my bed. Because I know my watch won't change and I'll be able to trust that yes, my alarm clock did change. I also set it an hour early just to be safe. So paranoid. So sad.