Cold Hands, Warm Heart

My photo
Nome, Alaska, United States
After getting burned out teaching high school in a tiny Alaskan town, I have moved on to being a child advocate in a small Alaskan town. The struggles are similar, but now I can buy milk at the store.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Devoted Fans,

As soon as I get home, shower, sleep, and say hi to my parents, I will be posting pictures from the trip (because home is where the cord for the camera is). I will also be awarding trophies in several categories.

So far, I've come up with:

dumbest drive through window
best waitress (Whitney from Sizzler in Layton, you will probably win by a landslide)
nicest sleeping accommodations
worst cops
cutest child (and they don't have to be born yet for that one)
Worst drivers
Most awkward moment

and. . .

What? What else should I give out awards for? Let me know in the comments.

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