Cold Hands, Warm Heart

My photo
Nome, Alaska, United States
After getting burned out teaching high school in a tiny Alaskan town, I have moved on to being a child advocate in a small Alaskan town. The struggles are similar, but now I can buy milk at the store.

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Intense Love/Hate relationship with my computer.

You may have noticed a lack of pictures on the blog lately. That's because I can't post them anymore. Also, I can't use the top row of letters on my keyboard, so I have a white plastic keyboard plugged in. Also, it rejects every disk I put into it at least six times.
There are also some red lines that keep showing up on the screen.
I don't think I've had this laptop very long. I can't really remember when I got it. It's maybe three years old. I did find out that the other teacher with this same brand is also having problems. In that her computer won't turn on. If that happens to me, I'm screwed. All of my presets are on this one, and my research for my masters class, and my student grades, and a lot of music. I think I'll go back some of this up on the server. Couldn't hurt.


  1. I tried to type a response without using the top row of keys but was unable to... here's what it looked like

    m s ha cm sn kng. ha all scks!

    Translation "I'm sorry that your computer isn't working. That really sucks!"

  2. There is no love/hate relationship with my computer I just hate it. I think it would work better ran over, hit with a bat and burned. that is my work computer that can go to H#@%.
